Pure Gomaya(cowdung) Shudhdhi powder

All the products of Govindan Goshaala are distributed in the brand name GO RAKSHA This reflects the protective role played by the cow in human welfare.

Cowdung is a very good disinfectant.

Traditionally cowdung was mixed with water and used to be sprinkled in front of all houses in the morning every day. Also the flooring of huts used to be topped regularly with cowdung in view of its disinfectant properties. Even the area where food is eaten used to be cleaned with cowdung.

With the passage of time these practices have been forgotten.

Pure cowdung powder is essential for all purification ("Shuddhi") purposes. This can be used for cleaning the place where homam/ puja is to be conducted. Also for cleaning the entrance of the house on important occasions and Fridays.

It is very difficult, almost impossible, to get cowdung for use on important occasions.

Hence Pure Gomaya Shudhdhi powder is being made available from our Govindan Goshala.

This is dried Pure Gomaya powder and can be mixed with water and used for Shudhdhi purposes.

Gomaye Vasudhi lakshmi. Goddess Lakshmi resides in Gomaya. Hence Lakshmi Katakasham will bring all the prosperity and Happiness