Goraksha Pure Cow Ghee

Pure Cow Ghee is an elixir- nourishing and healing . Always supportive of life and living. Like a Mother . Best medicine for good health.

Goraksha pure cow ghee is very special and unique -since it is made the way pure ghee should be made-from butter obtained by churning curd. (Not from butter obtained directly from milk ).

More over it is made from milk of grazing native breed cows- again very special. Also, a product from Goshala- once again very special .

As per ancient texts, various types of heat are required to obtain pure ghee and each of these add a certain quality to the ghee. Heat in raw milk, heat while boiling, heat while making curd, churning of the curd( two way churning is better than one way churning), and heating of the butter. Agni - fire ( not electricity) is a must to get pure ghee with all its medicinal and curative properties. We use only agni in the making of our ghee.

We make a very small quantity of Pure cow ghee and would like to offer this pure ghee, strictly for use as a medicine The ghee has significant amounts of Vitamins- A, E and D. The medicinal properties are very useful

1. To improve the Nervous system in cases of neurological disorders

2. To improve memory and mental alertness in cases of Dementia

3. To correct Mental and emotional imbalances

4. To cure and help people suffering from Insomnia (a few drops to be applied in the eyes and eyelids as kajal-mai before going to sleep)

5. To increase the vital Ojas (energetic force) in the body

6. To increase energy levels in cases of severe weakness

7. To heal the intestinal wall and reduce the risk of colon cancer

8. To get relief from constipation

9. To improve digestion and absorption of nutrients

10. To eliminate toxins from the body

11. To apply externally in cases of severe joint pains and arthritis

12. To heal in cases of burns

13. To reduce the risk of cancer - as an antioxidant

14. To strengthen the immune system

The Pure Cow Gheei is also sent by courier/post directly to any place in India.